Air Traffic Services
How We Help
In the Global Aviation Community, where safety and security is the primary importance, MJ Technical Solutions is on the cutting edge of technologies and services to provide the perfect mix of solutions to get you to the level you’re striving for through providing the following consultation services from expert team members:
- Airspace Redesign
- Continued Descent Operations (CDO) Design & Optimization
- Continuous Climb Operations (CCO) Design & Optimization
Global Safety
- State Safety Program (SSP) for the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
- Safety Management System (SMS) for the Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP)
- Quality Management System (QMS)
Air Traffic Operations
- Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) Operations & Optimization
- RADAR Approach Control Operations / Proximity RADAR Services
- Area Control Center (ACC) Operations
- Flow Control Operations
- Emergencies & Mobile Tower Operations & Procedures
- Airport Surface Detection Equipment Training
- Runway Safety Program
Airport Services
- Obstruction Evaluation/ Airport Airspace Analysis (OE/AAA)
- Flight Check Airport Approach & Departure Procedures Verification
- Airport Airside Assessment / Risk Management
Aviation Administrative Services
- Service Level Agreements (SLA) Negotiation
- Meteorological Services and Integration
- General Aviation Consulting Services